Una settimana mi separa dalla Grande Mela.
La metropoli che tutti desiderano di visitare almeno una volta nella vita, quella dove tutto sembra possibile, la città che non dorme mai, quella che abbiamo sognato guardando stagioni di Gossip Girl, quella che fa da sfondo a capolavori come Colazione da Tiffany.
Passerò 15 giorni all'insegna del relax, dello shopping e del divertimento.
Adesso però, nella mia testa circolano idee su idee, panico su cosa mettere in valigia, confusione sulla differenza tra le taglie italiane e quelle americane, sul cambio euro/dollaro etc.
Insomma, dalle cose più futili a quelle più importanti, l'ansia accompagnata da uno stato di eccitazione è tanta!
A week separates me from the Big Apple.
The city that everyone wants to visit at least once in their life, where everything seems to be possible, the city thatnever sleeps, the one we have dreamed by watching seasons of Gossip Girl, the one which is the backdrop formasterpieces such as Breakfast at Tiffany's.
I will spend 15 days relaxing, shopping and having fun.
Now, however, in my head there are ideas and ideas, panic over what to pack, confusion about the difference between Italian and U.S. sizes, the euro / dollar exchange etc..
In short, from the most trivial to the most important, the anxiety accompanied by a state of excitement is a lot!
The city that everyone wants to visit at least once in their life, where everything seems to be possible, the city thatnever sleeps, the one we have dreamed by watching seasons of Gossip Girl, the one which is the backdrop formasterpieces such as Breakfast at Tiffany's.
I will spend 15 days relaxing, shopping and having fun.
Now, however, in my head there are ideas and ideas, panic over what to pack, confusion about the difference between Italian and U.S. sizes, the euro / dollar exchange etc..
In short, from the most trivial to the most important, the anxiety accompanied by a state of excitement is a lot!

1 commento:
Che emozionee *__*
Se ti interessa un blog che tratta di moda,musica, teatro ecc...passa dal mio, mi farebbe molto piacere ^_^
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